How to apply?

You are interested and considering to apply as a tutor or a volunteer for the 2022 SpeakOut camp? The applications are now open.


Before applying read the information carefully in the section below.
It is very important!

Also, make sure to visit our FAQ page where we answer most of the questions you are probably having.

For further information, you can find the contact details bellow.

collage photo of past SpeakOut camps


Prayerfully consider how God would have you invest your summer. Ask yourself some questions like:

  • What are my summer plans?
  • How do they fit into God's overall for my life?
  • Are they glorifying to God?
  • Are they good for my spiritual growth?


If you've decided to move forward and take this step of faith, then register and apply online!


Contact us:
Alek Kayali & Verica Kayali - Tutor Coordinators
Mail them at: alek.kayali@gmail.com
or jovevaverica@gmail.com


Visit our FAQ page for more info and do not hesitate to contact us if there are some unanswered questions there.

Details about the camp

The cost for the camp this year is $1400.

This covers your room and full board for all nights in Hotel Desaret, as well as all camp activities. It also includes transportation from Skopje Airport to the hotel and back. Your fee also helps to subsidize the cost for around three campers to come, since the registration fee we charge our campers is less than their actual expenses.

We will organize for you a good transportation from the airport in Skopje to the hotel in Ohrid and the way back. We recommend that you have extra $100 with you for coffees, ice creams, small gifts and transportation within Ohrid.

We hope to see you!

This is a great opportunity to share the Gospel and help build the kingdom of God!

If you have carefull read through the information above, you can begin the process of applying.